Saturday 15 February 2025
Radisson Blu Hotel, Al-Bida'a
TIME 11am-1pm & 2-4pm
EVENT (free) Workshop (by invitation/registration)
TITLE Underwater Archaeology & 3D Photogrammetry
PLACE Meeting Room 2, Radisson Blu Hotel, Al-Bida'a
ABOUT Lecture-based training session for scuba divers, remote sensing technicians, marine photographers and heritage workers.
Supported by H.E. Prof. Dr. George Said-Zammit, Ambassador from Malta to Kuwait.
TIME 5-6pm
EVENT (free) Public Lecture
TITLE Ancient shipwrecks, sunken submarines & aviation archaeology
PLACE Marine Museum
ABOUT Malta's territorial waters have become the final resting place of countless wrecks across many millennia.
Venue sponsored by Radisson Blu Hotel.
Thanks to @athr.cultural for additional support.
Monday 17 February 2025
Marine Science Center - Kuwait University, Al-Fintas
TIME 9:30-10:30am (Part I)
& 11am-12pm (Part II)
EVENT (free) Public Lecture in two parts
TITLE (I) Underwater cultural resources & heritage management
(II) WreckLife: Marine environments, ecology and shipwrecks
PLACE Marine Science Centre
ABOUT Informed by Malta's wide-ranging underwater cultural heritage and inspired by interdisciplinary research between archaeologists and marine scientists, this two-part lecture discusses the protection and management of underwater cultural heritage (“UCH”) and the interaction between marine life and underwater cultural assets.
TIME 1-2pm
EVENT (free) Interactive Seminar
TITLE Deepwater excavation & Virtual Reality
PLACE Marine Science Centre
ABOUT Underwater Malta - The Virtual Museum is a universally accessible forum for the public to experience deepwater archaeological sites. Through the use of innovative web-based and Virtual Reality (“VR”) technologies, audiences of all ages are educated and entertained in relation to Malta’s underwater cultural heritage.